
Monday, July 9, 2012

Jason Alexander teaches Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison how to be a better couple…through groping


The pair receive some helpful advice from self-help guru Donnie Clay.

Celebrity tabloid fodder Doug Hutchison and Courtney Stodden may constantly generate news due to their unorthodox marriage (her walking down the aisle at 16, and him being 51), but they’re still partners with problems like anyone else. Problems that need solving. And with appearances on shows like “Dr. Drew” under their belt, it’s only natural that they take their sideshow to the best life coach around, Donnie Clay.
Of course, Donnie Clay is actually a toupee-laden Jason Alexander and the “show” is for FunnyOrDie, so you know you’re getting something interesting out of this. And that’s precisely what we get as Donnie preaches his wisdom with lessons like “The future is looking up. So…up yours” and “Judgement is wrong…like Dr. Phil.” The laughs start early as Donnie mistakes Doug for her father, but it’s later on in the episode which will probably deliver the most headlines (natch), as Donnie’s rule “Resist judgement: Assess your partner” leads to him molesting her with his iPhone, under the guise of looking into her heart.
Also notable is Donnie asking Doug to explain to Courtney why he loves her. “I love you because you captured my heart,” he states, and because I love your spirit and…,” at which point Donnie interrupts to say, “I’m going to roll play. I’m not going to be Donnie, I’m going to be Doug.” Turning to Courtney, he sensually announces “I love you because I could take you behind this couch and have at you in a number of ways.”
Take a gander at the video below, and then let us know in the comments what you think.

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